Thankful Thursday - Tools of the Trade: Clay

Over the years, I've experimented with a variety of tools and techniques in the pursuit of what will help me create my mixed media work.  There have been some notable failures (I never could get the hang of doing elaborate polymer clay caning), but thankfully there have been more results which have become studio staples.  Here are some of the tools I use, and for which I am very grateful, for they allow me to realize my creative visions in clay.  


Surface Texture

This is the "secret" to a faux raku-fired effect.  The oxide gives the clay surface just the right roughness and sparkle which is still visible under added layers of paints or powdered pigments.  


Surface Color

These are my go-to paints for a raku-fired appearance.  They're vibrant, metallic, and versatile; looking equally good on paper, fabric or clay.  


Clay Conditioning



The motor on this pasta machine, which was a gift from my husband (thanks, Honey!) is a life/hand saver!  No more battling with  recalcitrant clay...I am the master!  



My collection is eclectic, including some meant for baking, for clay, and for leather working (Love these, especially the tiniest ones).  

Some finished work, showing how I've used the "tools of the trade" described above.  

Some finished work, showing how I've used the "tools of the trade" described above.  

I've shown you some of mine, and if you join us on April 7th, Penny, Jeanne and I will share even more of our "go to" tools and techniques in our "Notes to Our Future Selves" mini Studio Session.  For all the details, and a link to the registration form, click here
See you there!

Until next time,



Save the Date! April 7th, 2018

Greetings, fellow creative explorers! 

We are thrilled to announce our very first Pop-Up Event!  Make plans now to join us on April 7th, from 1:00-4:00pm, at Sertoma Arts Center in Raleigh, NC for an afternoon of creativity in community.  You will enjoy a mini workshop that highlights every facet of the jewel that is Your Creative Connection:  Creativity, Community, and Self Care.  Spaces are limited, register today for Notes to Our Future Selves.  Enjoy hands-on fun as you meet the Artist Instructors that will present our premiere event at Haw River State Park in October.


We will while away the afternoon in creative bliss, as Jeanne, Michelle, and Penny share some of their favorite techniques.  We will work on lovely papers from our friends at Strathmore Artist Papers.  You will be creating fully functional art, as our final compositions will work as artful reminders to yourself or beautiful gifts for others by way of Mixed Media Mail Art!  We will busy our hands with the creation of Kintsugi Hearts, Mindful Mandalas, and Found Poetry.  Participants will leave with at least three frame-able and/or mail-ready mini masterpieces.  Plus:  there will be Door Prizes, refreshments, and special offers to be had.

As if all of this isn't enough to tempt you:  Attendees of the PopUp Event will get the 1st look at samples for each of our Studio Sessions in October!  What are you waiting for?  Register today.  Double the fun by inviting a friend!  Don't wait too long -- spaces are limited!  We look forward to seeing you for artful adventures on April 7th.

Thankful Thursday - The Joys of Friendship and Collaboration

The past two weeks have provided ready reminders for much of which I am grateful, not the least of which the sense of completeness that has ensconced the happenings here at Your Creative Connection!  We are now a solid TRIO for all of the wonderment that is our October gathering at Haw River State Park (10/11-10/15, 2018).   This addition comes with some glorious strings attached, as our Special Guest Artist for Haw River ’18 is *among many other things* an incredible fiber artist!

For me, this collaboration represents the joining of two creative forces in my life – an alliance of two Tribes, so to speak…  The resulting energy has been a joy to behold!  Michelle and I had the opportunity to spend some time in the studio and at the planning table with our Guest Artist last weekend, and WOW – just:  wow!?  We have significantly upped the “mixed” portion of this unique, mixed media experience to wondrous ends!  …and I truly believe we have added to the very heart of it, as well.  Our friend and fellow creative adventurer brings her all to her artistic endeavors – her work unites heart, hands, and mind to amazing effect.

Please help us welcome our friend, collaborator, and creative hummingbird:  Jeanne Faith d’Orleans!  You can learn more about Jeanne, her creative process, and see more of her work on her Gallery Page.

We are thrilled for this creative connection, and are wildly excited for what lies ahead.  Speaking of which:  if you want to have the inside scoop on all things Your Creative Connection, please take a moment to become a Newsletter Subscriber.  You’ll get first dibs on all the latest news and announcements *up to a week ahead of everyone else!*  Hey, we are a low-volume affair and we’ll never sell/share your information with anyone.  We only want to ensure that you don’t miss out on any of the exceptional goodness that is happening in the coming months!

Until we meet again!
 - PLA


Thankful Thursday - Expanding Vision

Just like George Peppard portraying the cigar-chomping John ‘Hannibal’ Smith in the 80s *camp* TV classic The A Team:  “I love it when a plan comes together!”  This perfectly sums up the latest work from my creative efforts! 

It began last year, when I decided to commemorate my journey to the big, 5-0 with a series of mini-canvases.  Dubbed “#50for50,” I chronicled the progression of these diminutive beauties in daily Facebook posts and weekly wrap-up posts on my Blog.  In Week 3, I was showing three canvases each day – the photos became a little puzzle for me – my challenge to find a visual line that continued across multiple surfaces created at separate times.  It was a fun little break in the routine of photographing, editing, captioning, and posting the tiny offerings each day.

A snippet from the Blog, Monday, May 22, 2017 - Week 3 Wrap-Up

This past Christmas, I had the occasion to do more of my “line finding” in the creation of a few special gifts for a few special people.  Once again, I was taken by the simple joy of finding/creating a link where one did not intentionally exist.

A trio in primary tones -- yet another favorite.

My latest work features more of this method, employed to greater effect by using more sizes of mini canvases and working with intentional color ways.  I have also adapted the background to the theme, and I think it makes a world of difference (!)

The first three pieces in the new series:  Melodies of the Sea

What JOY!  …to roam freely in the realm of creativity – finding new ways to do a favorite thing – creating novel ways to employ/expand ones vision – making a technique already beloved even more ones own…  These are the tendrils that enrobe me, when I am well and truly “in the zone”.  What takes you into the perfect creative state?  What is your favorite thing about spending time there?  Wouldn’t it be great to spend 3 or 4 whole days in such a place?  It’s easier than you might think to do just that!  If you are not subscribed to our Newsletter, today would be a mighty fine day to change that!  If you ARE a subscriber, Thanks *ever-so-much!*  …keep an eye on your Inbox:  Big News is on the way!  

Later days…
 - PLA


Thankful Thursday - Creative Connections OR: The Joys of Showing Up

This week I had occasion to discover once again how connected we all are, and how powerful it can be to have a moment of "full immersion" in community with others.  It started with an “if-you-are-interested” email last week from a long-time art buddy, regarding the SMASH 2018 event presented by Triangle ArtWorks.  That email prompted another, which resulted in my registration for said event.  …then it was Monday evening, and I had one of those “do-I-really-want-and/or-need-to-go-do-this-thing?” conversations with myself – you know:  those monologues in which you question your own motives/suitability/value in any given situation wherein there is the actual (or even possible) likelihood of awkwardness/discomfort…

Second guessing aside, I approached my Tuesday with optimism and excitement, *it really, usually is simply a matter of choice/perspective (!)* and am so very glad of it!  I enjoyed a quick visit with a couple o’ art pals in the afternoon to see the space and discuss the set-up for my first Private Event of the year.  I also had time to enjoy a quick jaunt to The Scrap Exchange (all the more fortuitous as they had some FABULOUS paper that I can immediately put to use). 

Then, it was time to go and do the thing!  In addition to attending with 2 long-time friends, I encountered a handful of folks I already knew and don’t see nearly often enough.  Funny, isn’t it, how a few moments with the familiar can put one so much more at ease in a crowd of strangers?  As an added bonus (and, pretty much the stated purpose of the event) I met a few more folks that it will be quite lovely to get to know better.  In the intervening two days, I have reached out to ensure that that will happen; happily, there has been a near immediate exchange of information to the betterment of us all.  Plus:  I had an incredible Strawberry Crepe and saw a section of the Berlin Wall (!) 

As I headed home, I had to wonder where the resistance that I had experienced the night before came from?  If I have learned anything in the past 10 years, it is that there exists a certain ‘constancy’ in coming together with like-minded folks.  My evening at SMASH proved no exception to that rule (!)  I had a lovely time, met some interesting (and interested) individuals, had the opportunity to talk about art (my own and that of others), and added a brand-new experience to my history.  What’s NOT to love?

Artifacts of an evening well-spent...

Artifacts of an evening well-spent...

What will you do today/tomorrow/next week/this year to expand your own creative connections?  How will you show up to further the advancement of your dreams/goals/desires?  Join in the conversation by leaving us a comment!  Keep up with all the latest news and developments in the land of Your Creative Connection by subscribing to our Newsletter -- we have BIG news coming, very soon! 

Until we meet again,
 - PLA


Thankful Thursday - Pinterest Profusion

Taking a cue from Penny's Thankful Thursday post from last week, Wonderful, Wacky, World Wide Web, I bring you my own experience with the wonderment that is Pinterest.  Back in the day (my son always says that day was a Wednesday) before Pinterest existed, we had to make our own, tangible design/idea/color swatch boards (while talking on our corded landline phones, and getting up to change the channel on the TV).  It was fun, but time-consuming, and unless you were okay with cutting up precious design magazines, or spending vast sums of money on printer ink, there was a limit to how many gorgeous, color images you would include for a given idea.  Here's a board I did with colors, products, and ideas we had when we first purchased our home 11 years ago:  

Yes, we did end up using some of these paint colors, and I STILL love that black vessel sink.  Of course, it turned out to be WAY more than we wanted to spend on a powder room fixture, so we decided upon the much more reasonably priced one in t…

Yes, we did end up using some of these paint colors, and I STILL love that black vessel sink.  Of course, it turned out to be WAY more than we wanted to spend on a powder room fixture, so we decided upon the much more reasonably priced one in the upper right photo.  And no, we did NOT choose that purple sofa or red chair!  

But now, all of that has changed with the advent of Pinterest, which allows you to virtually "pin" anything to an unlimited number of "boards".  It has been an invaluable creative resource for me as I plan my kids' art classes, design my mixed media work, research African textiles, figure out what to plant in our first garden, do some daydreaming about travel to faraway locales, and many, many other endeavors, some of which I didn't even know I had until I started pinning.  Here's just a sampling of some of my personal profusion of Pinterest boards:  

Can you see I've pinned a whopping 1,402 items to my "Art Class Project Ideas" board?!  That's a whole lot of paper plate and recycled products projects, but in my defense, I've been teaching for 7 years, and have had over 200 students come thr…

Can you see I've pinned a whopping 1,402 items to my "Art Class Project Ideas" board?!  That's a whole lot of paper plate and recycled products projects, but in my defense, I've been teaching for 7 years, and have had over 200 students come through my classes.  

Did you know that Your Creative Connection also has Pinterest boards?  Penny and I have been pinning some of our favorite "Visual Merriments," "Mixed Media Art Must Haves," and "Wise Words Written," among other things.  As we find images we love, we pin them, in hopes you will take a moment or two, or thirty(!) to visit, leave a comment, or just meander through and find something you love, too.  Start your journey with us, here.   

Until next time, 



Thankful Thursday - The Ever Changing View

"My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever changing view."  ~Carole King

Remember these?  

Remember these?  

I am thankful daily for the view outside my studio windows which is indeed ever changing.  My husband built our side-by-side studios in our walkout basement which looks out on our backyard and the natural creek area below.  This month's dusting of snow reminds me of these iced oatmeal cookies from back in the day...less than an inch of snow on the browned grass of winter always brings this image to my mind.  The play of light upon the delicate web of bare branches reveals treasures unseen in the leaf and blossom-filled seasons of spring and summer.  And the limited color palette this January Thursday is in stark contrast with the blazing colors of warmer days.

Then there are the animals.  The creek runs through our neighborhood behind and below the street level and attracts deer, foxes, squirrels, raccoons, groundhogs, moles, rabbits, opossums, and the occasional snake, all of which I've seen at some point while gazing outward.  We also have a mother cat and at least one kitten who visit (and yes, I'm a softy and I feed them).  We fill our bird feeder year round with black sunflower seeds, and the list of frequent diners includes:  finches, wrens, juncos, sparrows, woodpeckers, flickers, mourning doves, cardinals, titmice, mockingbirds, robins, nuthatches, thrashers, towhees, blue jays, starlings, grackles, bluebirds, and chickadees.  Other visitors to the creek area, heard but rarely seen are owls, hawks, and in one amazing event, 11 white cranes!  Beginning in late Spring and throughout the Summer, there are at least two hummingbirds which call my nectar feeder their private territory (much to the peril of any others who try to horn in!), and I love watching their antics right at my center window.  

So here, for your viewing pleasure (as it certainly is mine) is a collection of the wild and not-so-wild life I've observed over the years.    

Fox, not ready for her close-up, apparently.

Fox, not ready for her close-up, apparently.

A young raccoon, contemplating his next move to capture a bird.  He didn't succeed.

A young raccoon, contemplating his next move to capture a bird.  He didn't succeed.

"Socks" (not our cat) peeking in to see if I'm coming out to feed her. 

"Socks" (not our cat) peeking in to see if I'm coming out to feed her. 

Fox siblings near the plum tree, about to go under the fence to the creek area below.

Fox siblings near the plum tree, about to go under the fence to the creek area below.

Baby groundhog in a tomato planter. Did you know that groundhogs, or woodchucks are called 'whistle pigs' in the UK?  It's because of the sound the mother makes to call the young ones.  

Baby groundhog in a tomato planter. Did you know that groundhogs, or woodchucks are called 'whistle pigs' in the UK?  It's because of the sound the mother makes to call the young ones.  

"Midnight" (also not our cat) making himself quite comfortable in a pot under the bird feeder. 

"Midnight" (also not our cat) making himself quite comfortable in a pot under the bird feeder. 

And yes, that's a very long (54" by our estimate), allegedly harmless (I didn't stay around to find out) black snake moving along the fence.  It was fascinating to watch (from a safe distance) it go from the grass up to and across the fence. &n…

And yes, that's a very long (54" by our estimate), allegedly harmless (I didn't stay around to find out) black snake moving along the fence.  It was fascinating to watch (from a safe distance) it go from the grass up to and across the fence.  

So until next time, enjoy your own version of the "ever changing view." 

